FabTime’s dispatching module is an add-on to our web-based digital dashboard software. At any point, for any tool in your fab, FabTime® will show you the list of all lots qualified to run on that tool. This list will be ordered by the dispatching logic that your site has selected for that tool. This logic can use standard dispatch rules such as Priority-FIFO and Critical Ratio. However, you can also create custom dispatching logic using any combination of dispatch factors.
You can display dispatch lists in FabTime®, and/or export them back to your MES. FabTime® also includes a dispatch reservation system to hold downstream tools when a lot is started on an upstream tool, as well as dispatch performance reporting.
The FabTime® Dispatching Module includes the following benefits:
Dispatch Configuration
Configuration projects are offered as an additional fee, on top of your FabTime® subscription, and include:
Dispatch Factors
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